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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Ascites are the abnormal build-up of fluid in the abdomen. Technically, it is more than 25 ml of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, although volumes greater than one liter may occur. Symptoms may include increased abdominal size, increased weight, abdominal discomfort, and shortness of breath. Complications can include spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. In the developed world, the most common cause is liver cirrhosis. Other causes include cancer, heart failure, tuberculosis, pancreatitis, and blockage of the hepatic vein. In cirrhosis, the underlying mechanism involves high blood pressure in the portal system and dysfunction of blood vessels. Diagnosis is typically based on an examination together with an ultrasound or a CT scan. Testing the fluid can help in determining the underlying cause. Treatment often involves a low-salt diet, medication such as diuretics, and draining the fluid.
Apis Mellifica is very effective when patients have dropsy with thirstlessness. It might have been caused by fevers, especially eruptive fevers. Other symptoms can be marked with ascites that are skin is paled, waxy, and transparent. The urine is scanty. Skin is dry. Aggravation by heat and better by cold.
Anacardium patients have weak digestion, with fullness and distention. The patient feels an empty feeling in the stomach. Other symptoms that indicate this remedy are eructation, nausea, and vomiting. Eating relieves the Anacardium dyspepsia. Apt to choke when eating or drinking. Swallows food and drinks hastily.
Arsenic album is very suitable for ascites in the case of all forms of dropsy, particularly when it is due to disorders of the heart and lungs and in dropsy of renal origin. There is puffiness of the face with edema about the eyelids, waxy transparent skin, thirst, vomiting, etc. In dropsy, oozing of serum is also an indication.
This is very suitable for ascites in case of dropsy from organic heart diseases. It can occur from chronic liver complaints, far-advanced albuminuria, and intermittent fever.
Acid Mur helps in resolving ascites when dropsy due to cancer of the liver. This remedy has an elective affinity for the blood, producing a septic condition similar to that found in low fevers with high temperature and great prostration. The patient becomes so weak she slides down the bed. Decomposition of fluids. Involuntary stools while passing urine.
Helleborus could be considered for ascites in the case when dropsy with jelly-like diarrhea. The patient has a complaint of dark urine and scanty.
Liatris helps in ascites where dropsy with enlargement of the liver and spleen is present. It is said to get rid of one and a half gallons of urine in a day.
Dulamara could be thought of when dropsy after suppressed sweat, suppressed eruption, and exposure to cold.
Actea Spicata is very suitable for ascites in the case when tearing, darting pains in the epigastric region, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient complained of cramp-like pains in the stomach and epigastrium, with difficulty breathing is a sense of suffocation. The patient has sudden lassitude after eating.
where there is dropsy from congestion of the kidneys, dull aching pain in renal region and dark, smoky urine Terebinth could be thought.
Colchicum is very suitable for ascites in the case when dropsy with dark urine, especially the complication of rheumatism may indicate this remedy. The intolerance of the smell of food or cooking of food is the ranking symptom of this remedy.
Lycopodium is very suitable in the case when dropsy from liver diseases that is lower half of the abdomen distended. The patient has complaints of ulcers on the lower extremities. The patient has dropsy with an enlarged spleen, afternoon fever, with no thirst. The patient suffers from difficulty breathing lying down, urine is scanty and highly colored, bowel is constipated, and heart action is weak but regular.
Pulsatilla could be prescribed for ascites due to menstrual difficulty at puberty or menopause. Especially suitable for mild, gentle, and yielding dispositions. The patient seeks open air even though chilly.
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