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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Arthritis isn’t a single disease; the term refers to joint pain or joint disease, and there are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, races and sexes live with arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. It’s most common among women, and although it’s not a disease of aging, some types of arthritis occur in older people more than younger people. Common arthritis symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and diminished range of motion in joints. Symptoms vary from mild to severe and may come and go. Some may stay about the same for years, but symptoms can also progress and get worse over time. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, difficulty performing daily activities and make walking and climbing stairs painful and grueling. Arthritis can also cause permanent joint changes. These may be visible, such as knobby finger joints, but often the damage can be seen only on X-rays. Some types of arthritis affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints.
Is the most common type of arthritis. It can damage almost any joint but mainly occurs in the hands, spine, hips and knees. OA was once considered a wear-and-tear disease in which cartilage — the protective layer on the ends of bones — wore down after years of use. But with further research, the thinking about OA has changed. Doctors now know that OA is a disease of the whole joint, not just cartilage. Bones in affected joints become weaker, the connective tissue that holds the joint together deteriorates and inflammation damages the joint lining. Contrary to decades of belief, inflammation plays a key role in OA, just as it does in most other types of arthritis.
A healthy immune system is protective. It generates inflammation to clear infections and heal injuries. But in inflammatory arthritis, the immune system is overactive, attacking healthy tissue, including joints in the spine, hands and feet. In some people, inflammation becomes systemic, damaging the eyes, skin, heart and other organs. Many, but not all types of inflammatory arthritis are considered autoimmune diseases because the immune system loses the ability to distinguish self from not-self and attacks the body it’s supposed to protect.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), gout and juvenile arthritis are less common and can be more challenging to diagnose.
A bacterial, viral or fungal infection triggers infectious arthritis. It usually starts when an infection from another part of the body travels to a joint, usually the knee. Symptoms like swelling, pain and fever can be sudden and intense, but treatment with antibiotics or antifungals usually clears the infection pretty quickly. Most viral infections last a week or two and go away on their own. Some people with infectious arthritis may need to have their joint fluid drained to remove infected synovial fluid, reduce pain and inflammation and prevent joint damage.
Metabolic or gouty arthritis — commonly known as gout — results from a buildup in joints of painful uric acid crystals. These are a byproduct of the breakdown of purines — substances normally found in human cells and many foods, especially red meat, organ meats, some seafoods and alcohol. Normally the body gets rid of excess uric acid, but when it doesn’t, it can accumulate in joints, causing sudden and intense bouts of pain, especially the big toe.
However, most people with high uric acid levels never develop gout and many gout patients have normal uric acid. Some research suggests that certain factors in addition to uric acid might trigger gout. Possible culprits include damage from OA, disruptions in the microbiome and even white blood cells in the fluid inside joints.
Rhustoxicodendron is prescribed in cases of joint pains that are the most severe during rest and also on initial movement. However, it gets better after continuous movement. Patients have complain of heat, swelling and stiffness in joints along with pain. This remedy is also highly suitable to treat joint pains which are a result of overstraining, sprain and injuries.
Sangunaria Canadensisi is best suited for rheumatism of right shoulder, left hip-joint and nape of neck. Patient feel burning in soles and palms. Rheumatic pains in places least covered by flesh; not in joints soles of feet burn. Right-side neuritis; better touching the part.
Ferrum metallicum helps in rheumatism of the left shoulder. Patients may have dropsy after loss of vital fluids. Pain gets better while slow walking. This remedy is also useful in pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles, and heel.
Osteorthritis when pains are in elbow joint that aggravated on slightest motion and relieved by moderate pressure and warmth. There is inflammation of joints which are hot and swollen.The patient feels chilly. Bryonia alba could be drug of choice.
Rheumatic pains which wander from joint to joint with swelling of joints, worse before or during thunderstorm, cold or wet or unsettled weather. Pain get better from wrapping. It is also useful in enlargement of joints not due to gouty deposites. Arthritic nodes. Homoeopathic remedy Rhododendron could be thought of.
Arthritis pains in wrist Cimicifuga is drug of choice. This is also useful when uneasy, restless feeling in limbs, aching in limbs and muscular soreness. This remedy also affecting the belly of muscles, especially large muscles. Choreic movements, accompanied by rheumatism. Jerking of limbs. Stiffness in tendo-Achilles. Heaviness in lower extremities. Heavy, aching and tensive pain.
Rheumatic and gouty pains in uraemic and lithaemic constitutions in cases of osteoarthritis. The rheumatic pains cease on catching cold and the inflammation of tongue or stomach starts. Oedema of lower extremities. Wandering pains which change position suddenly. Gouty concentrations on joints. It relieves the pain of gout.
Chronic rheumatism in the finger joints due to uric acid. Palpitations and shocks about the heart. Painfulness of the soles of feet and small joints with a sense of burning therein.
Rheumatism of the short muscles and of small joints of the extremities, fingers, of phalangeal and metacarpal joints. Rheumatism worse at the time of menses. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes. Caullophyllum could be drug of choice.
Osteoarthritis in case of hip joints pain when aching and soreness in limbs, in left acromion process with shooting down arms; finger tips numb.
Osteoarthritis in the case of contraction of muscles. All the limbs are drawn together. Pain in right deltoid. Cramp-like pain in hip; lies on affected side; pain from hip to knee. Spontaneous luxation of the hip-joints. Stiffness of joints and shortening of tendons. Sciatic pain, left side, drawing, tearing; better, pressure and heat; worse, gentle touch. Contraction of the muscles. Pain down right thigh; muscles and tendons feel too short; numbness with pains. Pain in left knee joint.
Pedum Palsture is best suited for gout and rheumatism when the affection travels from downwards to upwards. There is deposite of chalk stones in finger joints, wrists and toes. There may be inflammation of joints. Chilly and yet the pains are better by cold application. Irritable, desires to be alone. Pain may be caused by alcoholism, insect strins, puntured wound. Worse by warm application.
Case of pain in long bones whether due to injury or rheumatism. It is also useful in injuries and fractures Ruta G could be drug of choice.
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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.