304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
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Ideal for individuals who suffer from intense anxiety and fear of impending illness, often accompanied by compulsive behavior.
Key symptoms: Extreme anxiety, particularly about health, often coupled with a desire to avoid crowds or stressful situations. They may feel nervous, impulsive, and prone to worry about their health.
Useful when the anxiety is sudden and overwhelming, often following a stressful or traumatic event.
Key symptoms: Acute fear, restlessness, and panic attacks. The individual may be excessively worried about their health, fearing the worst, and may show signs of physical agitation or hyperactivity.
Gelsemium is often used for anxiety that results in physical symptoms like weakness or trembling.
Key symptoms: A sense of dread or fear about illness, leading to physical symptoms such as trembling, weakness, and a desire to remain in bed. The person may be overwhelmed with fear and find it hard to think clearly.
Ignatia is used for individuals who are emotionally sensitive and react strongly to grief, loss, or disappointment, which may trigger anxiety about health.
Key symptoms: Deep emotional distress, a tendency to sigh frequently, and sensitivity to external stimuli. The person may be prone to mood swings, depression, and excessive worry about their health.
Lycopodium is helpful for individuals with self-doubt, insecurity, and a constant fear of being ill or incapable of handling situations.
Key symptoms: Anxiety about health, especially when facing stress or challenging situations. There may be a constant feeling of being overwhelmed, with digestive complaints or fear of new diseases.
This remedy is useful for anxiety related to mental exhaustion, particularly when the person is overworked or stressed and experiences health-related anxiety.
Key symptoms: Anxiety, irritability, mental fatigue, and a sense of being emotionally drained. The person may dwell on their health, interpreting minor symptoms as serious.
Nux Vomica is used for individuals who experience anxiety linked to stress, overindulgence, or perfectionism, often with digestive or sleep-related symptoms.
Key symptoms: Irritable, impatient, and anxious, particularly about their health. The person may experience digestive issues, headaches, or insomnia, and they are easily disturbed by minor physical symptoms.
Phosphorus is helpful for individuals who have a fear of illness and are overly sensitive to environmental stimuli, such as noises, lights, or even the possibility of disease.
Key symptoms: Excessive concern for one’s health, often imagining they have a serious illness. They may feel weak or exhausted, with a tendency to catch colds or infections easily.
Arsenicum Album is indicated for individuals who experience extreme anxiety about their health, accompanied by a fear of death and insecurity.
Key symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, and a constant fear of becoming ill. The person may also have a tendency to check their health constantly, feeling unwell even when no physical cause is present.
Natrum Muriaticum is suitable for individuals who have internalized emotional stress and anxiety, particularly related to loss or grief, leading to a heightened sensitivity about their health.
Key symptoms: Tendency to suppress emotions, feeling emotionally isolated. They may worry excessively about their health, especially after stressful events or past emotional trauma.
Kali Phos is helpful for individuals suffering from anxiety due to mental exhaustion or stress, especially those who are overworked or overwhelmed by life’s demands.
Key symptoms: Anxiety, especially about health, with a sense of being mentally and physically drained. There may be physical symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and a tendency to focus on bodily sensations.
Silicea is helpful for individuals with a fear of illness and a tendency to feel weak or fragile, particularly in those who may lack self-confidence or have a history of recurrent infections.
Key symptoms: Excessive concern about one’s health, feeling fragile or susceptible to illness. They may also experience frequent colds, poor immunity, or an aversion to cold weather.
Conium is indicated for those with hypochondriacal tendencies and a fear of developing serious diseases, particularly in older individuals.
Key symptoms: Fear of getting cancer or other severe diseases, often due to a feeling of gradual decline. The person may become anxious about the future or may feel physically weak or unwell.
Staphysagria is recommended for those who experience anxiety and stress due to unresolved emotional issues, such as suppressed anger or trauma.
Key symptoms: Health anxiety, particularly when the person feels emotionally vulnerable or has a history of suppressed emotions. They may be anxious about minor symptoms and experience a feeling of emotional emptiness.
Baryta Carbonica is helpful for individuals who have health-related anxiety with a sense of insecurity or immaturity, often in older adults or those who lack confidence.
Key symptoms: Fear of becoming ill, often accompanied by feelings of inferiority, insecurity, or a tendency to dwell on imagined symptoms. They may worry excessively about their physical state and feel overly dependent on others.
Legal Disclaimer - None of the remedies mentioned including services, mentioned at should be used without clearance (written medical prescription) from your physician or health care provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. अस्वीकरण: इस वीडियो की सभी जानकारी केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्य के लिए है और पेशेवर चिकित्सा उपचार के लिए कदापि नहीं है।
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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“Trust is the sole reason which bonds us to the patients far away who have never met us physically & mostly quest for better health ends here.” – Dr Umang Khanna
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.