304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
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Best for people who have a constitutional weakness, with a tendency to develop bone or joint issues. It can help with spinal curvatures in children and adolescents.
Symptoms: Weak, fatigued individuals, prone to backaches, and those with a slow metabolism and tendency to gain weight.
Useful for individuals with a pronounced curvature of the spine, especially when the condition is associated with pain and stiffness in the back or lower spine.
Symptoms: Stiffness, pain in the back, especially when sitting or standing for long periods, and sensitivity in the spine.
Rhus Tox is used for cases where scoliosis is accompanied by muscular pain, stiffness, and a general feeling of fatigue. It can help in alleviating pain and improving flexibility in the spine.
Symptoms: Pain in the spine that is worse from movement or during cold, wet weather and better with warmth or rest.
This remedy is often recommended for spine curvature in individuals who suffer from general weakness or poor posture. It helps in strengthening the bones and cartilage of the spine.
Symptoms: Weakness of the bones, spine, and ligaments, often accompanied by poor posture.
Arnica is used to reduce pain and inflammation in cases of spinal injury or strain that causes scoliosis. It also helps in managing any trauma to the muscles or ligaments.
Symptoms: Pain and stiffness in the back, often due to injury or overexertion, with bruised or sore muscles.
Symphytum is useful for strengthening bones and ligaments and can help with spinal injuries or fractures that may cause scoliosis.
Symptoms: Bone pain, fractures, and injuries that lead to a misalignment of the spine.
This remedy is known for its muscle-relaxing properties and can help in cases of scoliosis associated with spasms or muscular pain along the spine.
Symptoms: Muscle cramps, pain in the back, especially when bending or stretching.
Cimicifuga is indicated for individuals with scoliosis who experience muscular tension and discomfort. It is particularly beneficial for those with spinal curvatures that cause neck or back pain.
Symptoms: Tension, stiffness, and sharp pain in the neck or back, often linked to the misalignment of the spine.
Calcareafluorica helps with the strengthening of connective tissues, ligaments, and cartilage, which can be helpful in managing scoliosis that affects the spinal structure.
Symptoms: Weakness in bones and joints, especially in the spine, leading to poor posture or spinal misalignment.
Thuja is useful in cases of scoliosis when the condition has been present for a long time or is associated with other underlying constitutional weaknesses.
Symptoms: Chronic conditions that cause misalignment, joint problems, or persistent back pain.
Natrum Muriaticum is useful for individuals who suffer from scoliosis with emotional or mental stress, as it can help release emotional tension and physical stiffness in the spine.
Symptoms: Painful spinal curvatures with a history of emotional stress, grief, or trauma.
Often prescribed for children or adolescents with scoliosis, especially when the condition is linked to delayed development or growth.
Symptoms: Scoliosis or spinal curvature in children who have slow physical development or delayed milestones.
Ruta is useful for musculoskeletal issues, especially when there is deep-seated pain or injury affecting the spine or ligaments.
Symptoms: Pain and stiffness in the spine, especially following overuse, injury, or overexertion.
Kali Phos is beneficial for cases of scoliosis associated with nervous exhaustion, fatigue, and lack of vitality. It also helps improve muscle tone and reduce spinal discomfort.
Symptoms: Fatigue, emotional stress, and pain in the back, particularly when due to physical or mental exhaustion.
Silicea is often prescribed for individuals who have weak connective tissues or bone structures, making them more susceptible to spinal misalignment or curvature.
Symptoms: Weak, brittle bones, misaligned joints, and poor posture that may result in scoliosis.
Legal Disclaimer - None of the remedies mentioned including services, mentioned at should be used without clearance (written medical prescription) from your physician or health care provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. अस्वीकरण: इस वीडियो की सभी जानकारी केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्य के लिए है और पेशेवर चिकित्सा उपचार के लिए कदापि नहीं है।
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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“Trust is the sole reason which bonds us to the patients far away who have never met us physically & mostly quest for better health ends here.” – Dr Umang Khanna
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.