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Caries Tooth

Caries Tooth / Cavity / Decay

दाँतों में सड़न / कीड़े / गर्म ठण्डा पानी

Caries Tooth / Cavity / DecayTop Probable Natural homeopathic remedies with symptoms

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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)


Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well. Cavities and tooth decay are among the world’s most common health problems. They’re especially common in children, teenagers and older adults. But anyone who has teeth can get cavities, including infants. If cavities aren’t treated, they get larger and affect deeper layers of your teeth. They can lead to a severe toothache, infection and tooth loss. Regular dental visits and good brushing and flossing habits are your best protection against cavities and tooth decay.

Top Natural Probable Homeopathic Remedies To Get Rid Of Caries Tooth / Cavity / Decay

Calcarea Fluorica – Best Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay with loss of enamel

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when caries and necrosis of teeth with loss of enamel. Patient experienced unnatural looseness of teeth with or without pain; teeth become loose in the sockets.

Staphisagria – Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay when black / dark tooth

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when the teeth become black and have dark streaks through them and decay has commenced. Patient have sensitiveness of teeth to least touch along with aching after eating or drinking. Milk teeth not fully grown and become black in spots and crumble away.

Mercurius Solubilis – Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay along with bleeding gums

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when decaying and loosening of teeth along with bleeding gums. In the case of children when the teeth are pegged, it should be given persistently for three months in low potency, say 6, repeating this course again after a month or so.

Plantago – Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay rapidly and falling of tooth

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when patient experienced rapid decay and falling out of teeth. Teeth become sore along with bleeding gums.

Kreosotum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay tooth in case of black tooth and pustular discharge

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay which is a mixture of phenols obtained from this distillation. This remedy is used in oral conditions like mouth redness with bleeding, very painful dentition in that case the child will not sleep, very rapid decay of teeth, with spongy, bleeding gums, teeth dark and crumbly. Putrid odor and bitter taste. Rapid decomposition of fluids and secretions, and burning pain are the symptoms that well indicate this remedy.

Acid Fluoricum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay tooth in case of fistula

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay that has marked action on teeth and jaws. It treated toothache when it gets worse from cold drinks. This remedy is also used extensively for cases of rapid tooth decay. It is a superb remedy for dental fistula where it works well when there is bloody and salty discharge. Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel is also a noteworthy symptom to use Fluoric Acid. Rest of these complaints that it can help with includes tooth sensitivity, delayed dentition and ailments from erupting wisdom teeth that well indicates this remedy.

Thuja Occidentalis – Natural homoeopathic remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay tooth at roots

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when the root decays but the crown remains sound. It also helps in cases of crumbling and yellowing of teeth. Toothache better by pressure and a toothache that worsens before and after menses also indicate the need for this remedy.

Hekla Lava – Essential Supporting Natural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay tooth

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when there is marked sensitivity of teeth to pressure along with swelling around the jaws. There is boring or digging type of pain in the jawbone. It is highly preferred to deal with cases of decayed teeth. It is also usually first choice of remedy to relieve facial nerve pain that is related to decayed tooth. If there occur facial nerve pain after tooth extraction, then also this remedy proves to be highly effective to relieve pain. Another prominent complaint where its use is highly recommended is dental abscess that is a pus-filled pocket inside teeth or gums.

Syphilinum – Natural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay tooth in case of yellowness

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay when teeth decayed at gum, edges serrated and dwarfed. Apart from these, tongue coated, teeth-indented and have deep longitudinal cracks. Ulcers smart and have burning sensation. Excessive flow of saliva that is runs out of mouth when sleeping are another symptom that well indicate this remedy.

Cheiranthus – Natural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay in wisdom tooth

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay which is highly useful for patients suffering from toothache caused from growth or removal of molars can be effectively relieved using this remedy. This remedy is also useful in case of hearing impairment along with ear infections. It can also be used for the treatment of gall bladder and liver ailments.

Phosphorus – Natural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay in case of hollow / abscess formation

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay in case of abscess forming on the gums from decayed teeth. The gums are inflamed along with this. There is pain in the teeth which is usually stinging, pricking or throbbing type for using this remedy. The pain is worse in the open air which is also worse from chewing. In some cases there is tearing, shooting pain in the teeth that tend to extend to face and head.

Silicea – Natural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay in case of abscess on the gums or root of the teeth

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay in case of suppurative conditions means where pus formation is there. It remains very effective for treating cases of abscess in various parts of the body including teeth. In cases needing it there is abscess on the gums or root of the teeth. The affected gum is sore, inflamed. It is also painful with slight pressure. Apart from these, there is sensitivity to cold water and cold air. There is throbbing, stinging pain in teeth. Sometimes there are boring, tearing pains in teeth that spread over the whole cheek, and facial bones. It prevents sleeping. The teeth may be decayed with pain that gets worse at night time. Teeth may also be loose. The pus discharge is thin and has a very offensive smell. This remedy relieves the symptoms and helps in maturation of abscess and reduces excessive pus formation.

Calcarea Phosphorica – Natural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay in case of delayed teething

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay to help a child whose teeth are late to come in, with aching in the gums and having trouble while sleeping. Irritability, picky eating habits, and stomachaches are other indications to use this remedy. A child who needs this remedy often is allergic to many foods and may tend toward early tooth decay.

Carbo VegetabilisNatural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay with spongy gums infection

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay to treat bleeding from gums. Patient needing this remedy suffers from gums infection along with bleeding. They mainly have bleeding form gums on cleaning teeth. Gums may also be painful in them. Apart from above one can use this remedy to treat bad breath from mouth (halitosis).

Natrum SulphuricumNatural Homoeopathic Remedy for caries tooth / cavity / decay when teeth leaving gums

This natural homeopathic remedy is effectively used for caries tooth / cavity / decay along with drawing pains in teeth, with looseness, and a sensation as if elongated more by cold air, and by smoking tobacco. Pulsative, throbbing toothache at night, with great agitation that is less from warm drinks. Toothache more from holding cold water in mouth. Tearing in carious teeth, on getting out of bed, at night. Burning in gums. Shifting and painless swelling in gums. Purulent vesicles on gums.

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दाँतों में सड़न / कीड़े / गर्म ठण्डा पानी || Tooth Caries / Cavity / Decay || homeopathic remedies

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दाँतों में सड़न / कीड़े / गर्म ठण्डा पानी || Caries Tooth / Cavity / Decay

This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.

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Trust is the sole reason which bonds us to the patients far away who have never met us physically & mostly quest for better health ends here.” – Dr Umang Khanna

Good behaviour and very good treatment…

Saima Khan

One of the most considerate and Best Homeopathic Doctors i have ever come across.

Nikhil Nath Pandey

Thanks a lot Dr Umang Khanna for solving my child’s eyesight problem

Darshak Pawase

I have no words about sir but I am say only this my problem is solved and I am happy.

Amit Kumar

Doctor is the best knowledge and best tetment . God bless you

Rajan Sharma

Homeopathy medicine prescribed by.Dr Umang khanna is.very effective . I am very happy to see his U.Tube videos .

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Kishor Jadavani

U treat your patients with your heart and make them feel like they are family. 🙏🙏
Dr. Khanna… I salute …

Mannat Gulia

Very good doctor and clinic, doctor is v good and understands the pain of patients and gives effective treatment, which is beneficial.

Kanchan Pathak

Your Videos are more Informative and fan too. One request, Please share in English or create new English you tube channel. Your ideas will reach to the world

Suresh Babu

I never visit this place but get a great help Dr. Umang Khanna online clinic and there advices which help me and my family in cure from various diseases. Thanks vry much to Dr. For there kind nature and help.

Pritam Kothari

Dr.Umang Khanna is really very knowledgeable and very soft spoken.I like the way he explains the causes of disease and how there is different medicine as per different symptoms.

Rohini Desai

Good behaviour and very good treatment…

Saima Khan

One of the most considerate and Best Homeopathic Doctors i have ever come across.

Nikhil Nath Pandey

Changes for the Better.

other related useful links of natural homeopathic homeopathic remedies ..

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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.

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