304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Your adenoids are glands located in your upper airway, just behind your nasal cavity. Part of your lymphatic and immune system, your adenoids help fight off germs that you breathe in through your mouth and nose. Adenoids have an important job for babies and young children. They help fight off germs until your child’s body develops another way to combat infections. Here are some interesting facts about adenoids:
Adenoids grow to their maximum size between ages 3 and 5.
Adenoids start to shrink by age 7 or 8.
By adulthood, they’re completely gone.
Like your tonsils, your adenoids help fight off bacteria and viruses. White blood cells make this possible. They travel through your adenoids, targeting and trapping germs.
Your adenoids also produce antibodies (proteins in your blood that help fight unknown invaders in your body).
This remedy is commonly used for children who have a tendency to be shy, slow in development, and prone to frequent colds or infections. It may be helpful for children with enlarged adenoids, especially if they experience frequent throat infections, nasal obstruction, and a generally weak immune system.
Symptoms: Nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through the nose, frequent colds, and a tendency to have delayed development.
Calcarea Carbonica is often recommended for children who are prone to respiratory infections and who may also suffer from enlarged adenoids. These children often have a slow metabolism, are easily chilled, and may experience general weakness or fatigue.
Symptoms: Nasal congestion, snoring, sweating at night, frequent colds, and sluggishness.
Hepar Sulphuris is used when there is a tendency for recurring infections, especially with symptoms such as irritability, sensitivity to cold, and a tendency toward suppurative (pus-producing) conditions like sinusitis or tonsillitis.
Symptoms: Nasal discharge, a feeling of fullness in the nose, frequent ear infections, and irritability with a tendency for suppurative (pus-filled) infections.
Kali Bichromicum is often used for thick, sticky, yellow-green nasal discharge, which can be associated with enlarged adenoids and chronic sinus infections. This remedy is also useful when the symptoms worsen in the morning or are aggravated by exposure to cold air.
Symptoms: Thick, stringy, yellow or green nasal discharge, post-nasal drip, and sinus pressure.
Silicea is often indicated when there is a tendency toward chronic infections, with a history of frequent colds or ear infections. It may be helpful when adenoids are enlarged and there is a tendency for the body to produce thick mucus.
Symptoms: Nasal obstruction, tendency to chronic infections, sweating, and general weakness or fatigue.
This remedy is used for children or adults who suffer from frequent throat infections and sinus congestion. It can be especially useful for cases where there is a lot of mucus, a metallic taste in the mouth, or excessive salivation.
Symptoms: Thick, yellow nasal discharge, foul breath, swollen glands, sore throat, and sweating at night.
Natrum Muriaticum is often recommended for children who are emotionally sensitive, introverted, or tend to be quiet and reserved. It can be helpful when adenoids are swollen and there is nasal congestion with little or no discharge, often worse in the morning.
Symptoms: Nasal congestion with dry, crusty mucus, difficulty breathing through the nose, and a tendency to keep to themselves emotionally.
Lycopodium can be beneficial for children who suffer from recurring colds and respiratory issues, particularly when there is a marked tendency toward digestive disturbances and bloating. It may also be helpful for those with a tendency toward emotional anxiety or low self-confidence.
Symptoms: Nasal obstruction, recurrent colds, bloating, and digestive complaints.
Thuja is often used for chronic conditions like recurrent infections and swollen glands, and may be especially helpful when there is a history of tonsillitis or adenoid problems. It may also be considered when there is a feeling of general weakness or debility.
Symptoms: Swollen adenoids, recurrent colds, thick yellow nasal discharge, and a feeling of obstruction in the nose.
This remedy is used for dry, tickling coughs and throat irritations, especially in cases where the person feels that the airways are constricted. It is particularly helpful when there is a dry, croupy cough associated with swollen adenoids or upper respiratory infections.
Symptoms: Dry, barking cough, throat irritation, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing due to swelling or congestion.
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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.