304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
An epulis is a collective term for lesions of the oral mucosa having an intimate relation with periodontal membrane or with the periosteum of the jaw, in practice used for localized swellings of the gingiva. The term is derived from the Greek “epi” and “ulon” meaning on the gingiva. The term is also used for mucosal hyperplasias of the edentulous alveolus.
The term epulis is a topographico-clinical concept saying nothing about the histological structure or pathogenesis of the lesion.
An epulis is a localized swelling of the gingiva, measuring 0.5–2.5 cm, broad based or with a stalk, soft to firm, with a normal to reddish color, depending on the histopathological diagnosis of the lesion.
Calcarea Fluorica is often indicated when there are hard, firm, painless growths or nodules in the mouth, particularly on the gums. It is helpful for individuals with a tendency to develop hard fibrous tissue growths or tumors.
Key symptoms: Hard, firm, painless swelling or growth on the gums, often with a history of chronic irritation or inflammation. It may be associated with a general tendency toward weakened connective tissue or a history of joint or bone issues.
Silicea is useful for individuals who tend to develop abscesses, pus-filled lesions, or chronic infections, including in the gums. It is also indicated for growths or lumps that are tender, swollen, and prone to infection.
Key symptoms: Gum growths or epulis that are tender, swollen, and may bleed or become infected easily. The person may have a history of chronic infections, poor healing, or a general tendency to develop pus-filled lesions.
Thuja is often indicated for warts, tumors, or growths, including those in the mouth. It is particularly useful for growths that appear after vaccination or a suppressed disease and for individuals with a tendency toward benign growths.
Key symptoms: Growths or tumors on the gums that appear to have developed without a clear cause or after suppression of an illness. It is also useful for soft, fleshy growths that are sensitive and prone to inflammation.
Conium is useful when there are slow-growing, painless, hard tumors or growths, especially in the gums or other mucous membranes. It is often indicated when the growths are accompanied by a feeling of induration or hardening in the affected area.
Key symptoms: Hard, slow-growing growths on the gums that are painless or slightly tender. These may feel dense or fixed in place. The individual may also feel a sense of heaviness or weakness in the affected area.
Lachesis is often used for growths that are inflamed or have a tendency to bleed easily. It is particularly useful when the gum growth is sensitive, prone to infection, or aggravated by warmth or touch.
Key symptoms: Inflammatory, bleeding growths or tumors on the gums. The person may experience a sensation of heat or burning in the affected area, and the gum may bleed easily. Lachesis is also helpful when the individual is sensitive to touch or pressure.
Arnica is a remedy often used when epulis or gum growths arise after injury, trauma, or surgery. It is indicated when there is swelling, bruising, or pain in the affected area, especially if the growth appeared after physical trauma.
Key symptoms: Gum growths that appear after trauma, surgery, or injury. The individual may experience pain, tenderness, and swelling around the affected area, and there may be a general feeling of soreness or bruising.
Mercurius is helpful when there is a tendency for the gum growth to be accompanied by infection, foul-smelling discharge, or an inflammatory process. It is also indicated when there is a sensitivity to heat and cold.
Key symptoms: Inflammatory growths or swelling in the gums that may have a tendency to become infected, with a foul odor, swelling, or pus. The individual may experience a metallic taste in the mouth, and the gums may be swollen and bleed easily.
Baryta Carbonica is indicated for individuals who are prone to developing growths or swellings due to general debility or constitutional weakness. It is especially useful in children or older adults with a history of delayed development or degenerative conditions.
Key symptoms: Growths on the gums, especially in children or elderly individuals, that are slow to develop and tend to be painless or slightly tender. The individual may have a history of poor development, mental sluggishness, or other signs of deb
Causticum is useful for individuals with a tendency toward chronic conditions that result in growths or swellings. It is particularly indicated for those with a history of suppressed emotional trauma, or conditions like chronic ulcers or inflammation.
Key symptoms: Growths on the gums that are hard, painful, or ulcerated. The individual may have a history of chronic inflammation, particularly in the mucous membranes, and may have an underlying emotional condition contributing to the development of the growth.
Kali Bichromicum is useful when gum growths are associated with thick, sticky discharge or chronic infection. It is often indicated when there is a thickening of tissue or a hard, fibrous growth that is difficult to resolve.
Key symptoms: Thick, sticky discharge or mucus from the gums, often with a chronic, persistent growth or swelling. The growth may be slow to resolve and may involve thickening of the tissues, making it resistant to treatment.
Legal Disclaimer - None of the remedies mentioned including services, mentioned at should be used without clearance (written medical prescription) from your physician or health care provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. अस्वीकरण: इस वीडियो की सभी जानकारी केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्य के लिए है और पेशेवर चिकित्सा उपचार के लिए कदापि नहीं है।
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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.